Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Help: post 2

So I finally finished The Help, and loved it. I think that the way that the author wrote it was very clever and well done. I think that my favorite chapters were the ones where Minny was talking. (Abileen was my second favorite, and Eugenia third) The last time I wrote, I was on the part where Eugenia left her satchel at the meeting and was so nervous because Hilly took it home. It made me very, very stressed when that happened because the whole time, in my mind I kept on thinking: "Oh my gosh...Did she snoop? Did she read the stories?? Ack!" As it turns out, Hilly only found the booklet that Eugenia had found in the library, but still raised holy hell for her.
When I got to Minny's chapter where she couldn't find Celia anywhere, (but later on found her in the bathroom) my heart just dropped. I was freaking out about what happened, and to be honest it took me a second to realize what actually did happen. (And may I just say: I KNEW IT!! I freaking knew she was pregnant!!! So ha.) That chapter gave me goosebumps because of how well written it was, and because I felt like I was there. Like I knew what the bedroom looked like, the clothes everywhere and stuff. Like I knew how it would feel to almost be throwing up because of the smell, but forcing yourself not to, just to help.
I loved how ignorant everyone who read the book that everyone wrote was. How they were probably thinking: "Oh I don't do that. At least I treat her better than THAT!" even though it is what they do. In fact, One of those chapters, was pretty much about the person reading the book. I also really liked how everything was tied up in some way or another in the end. 
I think that this book was excellent. 4.5 out of 5 stars! Yay!

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