Monday, February 27, 2012


Ok. So...Who love Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I know I do. Today I will be comparing it's AWESOMENESS to Twilights LAMENESS...(sorry if you like it...this IS my blog)..
First Buffy, vampires die in sunlight, by getting their heads chopped off, or getting staked. (A pointy wooden stick...driven into the heart).
There are many ways to hurt a vampire. First: Holy water. it burns their skin...pretty much the equivalent to sunlight, just not as extreme. Second: crosses. Hold one out, and a vampire won't be getting too close. Also can be compared to holy water or the sun.
Secondly: Vampires cannot reproduce. Sorry Edward. It is physically impossible.
Let it begin.
Twilight VERSUS Buffy Logic
T1. vampires sparkle in sunlight.
BL1. Wow...really? What is that even about? If you were REALLY a vampire you would burst into flame, and disintegrate into a pile of ashes...

?? Really? How is this even a question??

T2. Edward and Bella had a baby
BL2. Really? First of all, vamps cannot reproduce. However, there CAN be vampire children. That is simply because they became vamps when they were kids...Secondly: That is SO not possible. Edward and Bella? Vamp and Human? No.

Buffy is the only VAMPIRE info you should trust. She is the slayer after all. And she did kill the master, several thousand demons, and vampires, and even has a Vamp boyfriend, (he has a soul, so he is not evil. That is how we know that vamps can't reproduce.  If a vamp with a soul experiences even one second of pleasure, they will lose their soul and turn evil. Not pretty.)

PS. the only BELLA I care about in BELLATRIX.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


           One of my favorite people in the whole world is probably Lucille Ball. I think that she was so awesome at what she did, and was humble and down to earth at the same time. In my room, I have 2 'plaques' (just metal posters) of her, and a popart Lucy, AND 2 other posters of her (not all of them are up, but I still love them.) I have an I Love Lucy lunchbox, and a bag with the Lucy and Ricky cartoon on it. (I know...just a little bit obsessed...) For Christmas a couple of years ago, I got the entire series of I Love Lucy (with 1 season of Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour...) 

          My favorite episode is JOB SWITCHING. In this episode, Lucy and Ethel switch 'roles' with Fred and Ricky. (Lucy and Ethel go out and get jobs and Fred and Ricky do housework and make meals.) The girls get a job in a candy factory, and soon, everything gets messed up. (They can't wrap candies, they eat it, etc.) The guys soon realize that housework is harder than they expected. (They make 4 cups of rice, the chicken explodes and they burn shirts with the iron.) 

           My second favorite episode is where Lucy wants to be in a commercial at Ricky's studio. He lets her do it (after several days of crying, whining, and pouting) and it all goes awry. She is the VITAMEATAVEGIMIN medicine selling girl, but, as it turns out, is 23% alcohol, and she gets drunk after having to practice taking the medicine without gagging. It is really physical and hilarious. She can totally pull it off! :)


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Help: post 2

So I finally finished The Help, and loved it. I think that the way that the author wrote it was very clever and well done. I think that my favorite chapters were the ones where Minny was talking. (Abileen was my second favorite, and Eugenia third) The last time I wrote, I was on the part where Eugenia left her satchel at the meeting and was so nervous because Hilly took it home. It made me very, very stressed when that happened because the whole time, in my mind I kept on thinking: "Oh my gosh...Did she snoop? Did she read the stories?? Ack!" As it turns out, Hilly only found the booklet that Eugenia had found in the library, but still raised holy hell for her.
When I got to Minny's chapter where she couldn't find Celia anywhere, (but later on found her in the bathroom) my heart just dropped. I was freaking out about what happened, and to be honest it took me a second to realize what actually did happen. (And may I just say: I KNEW IT!! I freaking knew she was pregnant!!! So ha.) That chapter gave me goosebumps because of how well written it was, and because I felt like I was there. Like I knew what the bedroom looked like, the clothes everywhere and stuff. Like I knew how it would feel to almost be throwing up because of the smell, but forcing yourself not to, just to help.
I loved how ignorant everyone who read the book that everyone wrote was. How they were probably thinking: "Oh I don't do that. At least I treat her better than THAT!" even though it is what they do. In fact, One of those chapters, was pretty much about the person reading the book. I also really liked how everything was tied up in some way or another in the end. 
I think that this book was excellent. 4.5 out of 5 stars! Yay!

Acts of Chivalry

1. Autumn and I decorated locker w/ candy and hearts (Bahaha...It's the best!! :D)
2. I gave him a valentine's cookie (from the school)
3. Did the thing in class (gifts that money can/not buy...)
The end. Hehe..

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Help; post 1

So! I am on page 220, and I literally can't put it down. I mean, I've obviously had to, for school and stuff, but, you know, it's an amazing book!! I think that the first chapter was the hardest to get into because of the language. It kind of takes a while to get used to how Aibileen speaks, but after you do, she has some of the most powerful things to say.
After about the first chapter I knew I was going to be hooked.
I am at the part right after Eugenia left her satchel at the meeting and Hilly found it and took it home. When Eugenia realized that all of the interviews were in that satchel and she was just a nervous wreck, I was too. One of my favorite parts so far was in one of Minny's chapters. It was when she couldn't find Celia and so she just went on to clean the house, when she hears this voice asking her who she was. I was so excited and scared to find out what happened next because it would move the story forward, but also because it was Celia's husband, who she didn't want Minny to be revealed to. (But, honestly? She went from cooking grits and potatoes to serving steak and wonderful food? Did she think he was stupid? I dunno...It was just a good moment.) I also liked later on in that same chapter how the husband revealed to Minny that of course he knew. I liked how he wasn't mad at her for trying to get better, and how he was going to let her tell him when she was ready to. I thought that was really sweet of him.
So overall I think that this is a fantastic book and Katherine Stockett did and amazing job of writing it! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So! I'm reading The Help...Even though I have only read a few pages I know it's gonna be Ahhh-MAZIN'! Can't wait to read more! :D

Top 10

Top 6 TV shows:
1. I Love Lucy
2. Arrested Development
3.  Alias
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5. AFV
6. Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Top 6 people who inspire me (Now and then):
1. Lucille Ball
2. Vivian Vance
3. Johnny Depp
4. Bradley Cooper
5. Portia deRossi
6. Ellen DeGeneres
7. Helena Bonham Carter

Top 4 books, want to read and have read...:
1. Love, Lucy (Lucille Ball) [HAVE READ]
2. To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) [HAVE READ]
3. Ball of Fire [READ!!]
4. Seriously, I'm kidding....(Ellen DeGeneres) [READ!!]
5. Unbearable Lightness (Portia de Rossi) [HAVE READ]
6. Hunger Games Series (Suzanne Collins) [HAVE READ]

Top 5 food places (not in order)
1. Panda Express
2. PF Changs
3. The Malt Shoppe
4. Taco Bell
5. Cafe Rio

Top 14 movies (not in order)
1. Rio
2. Nacho Libre
3. Hot Rod
4. Despicable Me
5. Megamind
6. Moulin Rouge
7. Inception
8. Tootsie
9. All of Me
10. Mulan
11. Sixth Sense
12. Up
13. Alice in Wonderland
14. HUNGER GAMES! (When it comes out

Favorite places to go/ want to go to (not in order)
1. Paris
2. Disneyland
3. California
4. Italy
5. DC
6. Greece
7. Missouri
8. China
9.  France
10. Hawaii

Some pet peeves:

  1. Chewing with mouth open
  2. Smacking gum
  3. White socks and sandals
  4. White socks in general (especially with dress shoes)