Thursday, March 15, 2012

Book Review

Here is the link to my review on goodreads:

Book Review
Erin Langston

Whether you love to read, or you hate it, you won’t be able to put this book down!

What do unconditional love, some toilets and a book all have in common? For one, they are all main subjects of this book. The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, is written in first person, through different peoples points of view. The three ‘main’ speakers are, Aibileen, Minny and Eugenia “Skeeter”. I think that Ms. Stockett was trying to inform people what the world was like in the ‘60’s according to two black maids, and a young white woman. Aibileen is an older maid who works for Elizabeth Lefolt. She cleans, cooks, irons, and takes care of Elizabeth’s daughter, Mae Mobley. Minny is a sassy maid who used to work for Hilly, one of the most important in the town. She was fired and now works for Celia Foote.
Celia wants so badly to fit into society’s standards, but, because of Hilly, she never will. Apparently, Hilly and Celia’s husband were getting serious (this was before he met Celia) and one day, Johnny left Hilly for Celia.
Aibileen always tells Mae Mobley that, “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” I really like that because no matter who you are, you need to know that. I love how she always makes sure that Mae Mo knows. I also just really liked the connection and the love they had for each other. It felt true and realistic. The stories that Aibileen would tell Mae Mo would help me understand just how prejudiced the world was back then. The one about the green alien named Martin Luther King, Jr.. I love how Aibileen was trying to teach ‘baby girl’ about the world, and even if someone looks different, doesn’t mean that they should be treated as such.
Another contributor to this books’ theme was the fact that Skeeter was able to form her own opinion. Even after years of living with her mother, and going to Ole Miss, she was able to open her mind and realize that how white people treated colored people was just wrong.
The wonderful writing style of this book drew me in, and invited me to continue reading. All of the fantastic detail, character development and the deep undertones were just factors that kept me reading. If you were to pick up this book tomorrow, I guarantee that you will be done in about two weeks. You won’t be able to put it down. So what are you waiting for? Go read the book!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


So in English class the other day...we jousted. Ha! It was soo fun and hilarious!
What you do:
0. If you have a video camera...take it (or a normal camera...because you can get pretty funny pics)
1. Take two exercise balls
2. Go outside...(you don't have to, but it's a lot of fun.)
3. Choose two people to 'joust' and give them each a ball to hold 
4. Stand back to back and both walk ten paces forward
5. Turn around
6. When the 'ref' yells 'go', run like crazy at the other person
7. Try to knock the ball out of the other persons hands...It's hilarious.
8. Watch the videos you (hopefully) took, or the pictures.
9. Laugh uncontrollably

book review ideas

-Don't make plans for the weekend!
-Want a good book? 
-Don't pick up The won't be able to put it down!!
-Whether you love to read, or hate it, you won't want to put this book down!

-What do unconditional love, some toilets and a book all have in common?
-I admit. I cry. A lot. I don't know why I was surprised that I was crying by the end of this book.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Hey guys! Sorry...this is kinda late. I don't really know what to talk about...Zelda (my dog), Jergens lotion, The Incredibles? Ooh! I know! (This is partly for you Annie!)

A quick summary of Arrested Development, for those of you who don't know.
Arrested Development is a story of a wealthy family who lost everything, and the one son that had to keep them all together. (All of you'll see what I did there...hehe...) The 'one son' is Michael Bluth. He is the son of Lucille and George Bluth, brother to Lindsay Funke, Gob (George Oscar) Bluth, and Byron "Buster" Bluth, the father of George-Michael Bluth,  the nephew to Oscar Bluth, uncle to Maeby Funke and brother in law of Tobias Funke.

Tobias and Lindsay are the parents of Maeby.

(Some off-hand characters: Ann (GM and her date for a while...AKA Bland, Egg, etc) Steve Holt (SH is a 3rd year senior), Marta (She and Gob were together for a while, Michael loves her) Maggie Lizer (She and Michael had a thing, she was 'blind' and a prosecutor in court. She lies. 8 1/2 months after Maggie and Michael meet [she was blind during that period] Michael sees her again! And she is, you guessed it, pregnant. [She really isn't though...she was lying during that period too))

I know...kind of confusing. But wait! George-Michael loves Maeby, Maeby loves Steve Holt,  and Steve Holt has a crush on Lindsay.

Tobias became a blue-man understudy. He was trying to be an actor. Here are some of the roles he 'played': Pirate, Blue Man, 100% natural good time family band solution, Leather Daddy, Mrs. Featherbottom, Uncle T-Bag, and Dorothy, just to name a few.

I don't think that it is possible to have a favorite episode, because they are all so great! :)

This is Tobias as Mrs. Featherbottom

(this is just a picture of the cast...I don't know why it is blocked...)
Gob, George, Lindsay, Tobias, Michael, Lucille, George-Michael, Maeby, Buster

Here are some of the most memorable (and my favorite) quotes:
Imma MONSTER!!!! -Buster
I've made a huge mistake...-Gob
STEVE HOLT! -Steve Holt
She calls it a mayonegg...-George Michael
Annyong. -Annyong
Hey brother! -Buster
It can open cans? -GM
No touching!!!!-Guards
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog-Bob Loblaw
COME ON!! -Gob
Her? -Michael
They don't allow you to have bees in here...-Lucille
And that's why you always leave a note...-George's like comparing apples and some fruit nobody's ever heard of...-Maeby
{long quote}
Maeby: Do you guys know where I can get one of those necklaces with the little 't' on it?
Lindsay: A cross?
Maeby: Across from where?
(I have like a bazillion more favorites...but...)

Awe, love, adrenalin, fear

In class today we watched a video where there were all of these gorillas were just walking around. There was a person sitting on a rock and all of these gorillas came up to him and started feeling his hair, and just being really, really friendly. This man was obviously afraid that the father gorilla would hurt him, but, at the same time he was awe-struck. He just kept on giggling and staring at the camera with many emotions in his eyes. While watching this video, I was feeling almost everything that he was. If I was in that situation, I would most likely freak out, but, at the same time, be overridden with love, joy and awe. It was a fantastic clip and I think everyone would enjoy it is:

My emotions:
I have had the same dream, several times.
 I am 20, and I enter the SCERA Theater. I go into the room where people can put on productions, and I immediately see 3 'men' standing on the stage. At a first look, they are performers wearing a skeleton costume. (With more examination, you will find that they are real [and may I add evil?] skeletons.)  As I walk in, they are asking for volunteers to help them with a magic trick. I know that it is a trap but I cannot open my mouth to speak. When I finally realize how I can stop this, it is too late. They have already tied the hands and feet of the volunteer, and are inching him closer to a large bonfire that they made right on stage. Before I understand what I knew I must do, I was already screaming: "Stop! I'll go!" They were confused, but they let the boy go. I helped him offstage and made sure he got help before I faced the demons again. I boldly walked up the steps to the stage and stood in front of them. Seeing them up close, I instantly knew who the leader was, who the believer was, and who was just there. The leader was an older-looking skeleton (I promise, it really did look older, yellowish? I guess...) As a cloak he wore a giant conch shell. The 'cloak' covered his head, but you could still see his eyes, and grimacing smile. I flinched. Next thing I know, I am standing in a checkout line at Macey's. The skeletons were buying something, although I did not know what. I was standing with them, unbound, just looking. I started to understand some of it. Whenever they are in public, it just looks like a cheap costume that you will find on Halloween night, but when they are alone, they are the most terrifying thing you will ever see. The ringleader looked at me, and smiled his horrifying smile. 
And then I woke up. 

Monday, February 27, 2012


Ok. So...Who love Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I know I do. Today I will be comparing it's AWESOMENESS to Twilights LAMENESS...(sorry if you like it...this IS my blog)..
First Buffy, vampires die in sunlight, by getting their heads chopped off, or getting staked. (A pointy wooden stick...driven into the heart).
There are many ways to hurt a vampire. First: Holy water. it burns their skin...pretty much the equivalent to sunlight, just not as extreme. Second: crosses. Hold one out, and a vampire won't be getting too close. Also can be compared to holy water or the sun.
Secondly: Vampires cannot reproduce. Sorry Edward. It is physically impossible.
Let it begin.
Twilight VERSUS Buffy Logic
T1. vampires sparkle in sunlight.
BL1. Wow...really? What is that even about? If you were REALLY a vampire you would burst into flame, and disintegrate into a pile of ashes...

?? Really? How is this even a question??

T2. Edward and Bella had a baby
BL2. Really? First of all, vamps cannot reproduce. However, there CAN be vampire children. That is simply because they became vamps when they were kids...Secondly: That is SO not possible. Edward and Bella? Vamp and Human? No.

Buffy is the only VAMPIRE info you should trust. She is the slayer after all. And she did kill the master, several thousand demons, and vampires, and even has a Vamp boyfriend, (he has a soul, so he is not evil. That is how we know that vamps can't reproduce.  If a vamp with a soul experiences even one second of pleasure, they will lose their soul and turn evil. Not pretty.)

PS. the only BELLA I care about in BELLATRIX.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


           One of my favorite people in the whole world is probably Lucille Ball. I think that she was so awesome at what she did, and was humble and down to earth at the same time. In my room, I have 2 'plaques' (just metal posters) of her, and a popart Lucy, AND 2 other posters of her (not all of them are up, but I still love them.) I have an I Love Lucy lunchbox, and a bag with the Lucy and Ricky cartoon on it. (I know...just a little bit obsessed...) For Christmas a couple of years ago, I got the entire series of I Love Lucy (with 1 season of Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour...) 

          My favorite episode is JOB SWITCHING. In this episode, Lucy and Ethel switch 'roles' with Fred and Ricky. (Lucy and Ethel go out and get jobs and Fred and Ricky do housework and make meals.) The girls get a job in a candy factory, and soon, everything gets messed up. (They can't wrap candies, they eat it, etc.) The guys soon realize that housework is harder than they expected. (They make 4 cups of rice, the chicken explodes and they burn shirts with the iron.) 

           My second favorite episode is where Lucy wants to be in a commercial at Ricky's studio. He lets her do it (after several days of crying, whining, and pouting) and it all goes awry. She is the VITAMEATAVEGIMIN medicine selling girl, but, as it turns out, is 23% alcohol, and she gets drunk after having to practice taking the medicine without gagging. It is really physical and hilarious. She can totally pull it off! :)
