Monday, March 5, 2012

Awe, love, adrenalin, fear

In class today we watched a video where there were all of these gorillas were just walking around. There was a person sitting on a rock and all of these gorillas came up to him and started feeling his hair, and just being really, really friendly. This man was obviously afraid that the father gorilla would hurt him, but, at the same time he was awe-struck. He just kept on giggling and staring at the camera with many emotions in his eyes. While watching this video, I was feeling almost everything that he was. If I was in that situation, I would most likely freak out, but, at the same time, be overridden with love, joy and awe. It was a fantastic clip and I think everyone would enjoy it is:

My emotions:
I have had the same dream, several times.
 I am 20, and I enter the SCERA Theater. I go into the room where people can put on productions, and I immediately see 3 'men' standing on the stage. At a first look, they are performers wearing a skeleton costume. (With more examination, you will find that they are real [and may I add evil?] skeletons.)  As I walk in, they are asking for volunteers to help them with a magic trick. I know that it is a trap but I cannot open my mouth to speak. When I finally realize how I can stop this, it is too late. They have already tied the hands and feet of the volunteer, and are inching him closer to a large bonfire that they made right on stage. Before I understand what I knew I must do, I was already screaming: "Stop! I'll go!" They were confused, but they let the boy go. I helped him offstage and made sure he got help before I faced the demons again. I boldly walked up the steps to the stage and stood in front of them. Seeing them up close, I instantly knew who the leader was, who the believer was, and who was just there. The leader was an older-looking skeleton (I promise, it really did look older, yellowish? I guess...) As a cloak he wore a giant conch shell. The 'cloak' covered his head, but you could still see his eyes, and grimacing smile. I flinched. Next thing I know, I am standing in a checkout line at Macey's. The skeletons were buying something, although I did not know what. I was standing with them, unbound, just looking. I started to understand some of it. Whenever they are in public, it just looks like a cheap costume that you will find on Halloween night, but when they are alone, they are the most terrifying thing you will ever see. The ringleader looked at me, and smiled his horrifying smile. 
And then I woke up. 

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