Thursday, March 8, 2012


So in English class the other day...we jousted. Ha! It was soo fun and hilarious!
What you do:
0. If you have a video camera...take it (or a normal camera...because you can get pretty funny pics)
1. Take two exercise balls
2. Go outside...(you don't have to, but it's a lot of fun.)
3. Choose two people to 'joust' and give them each a ball to hold 
4. Stand back to back and both walk ten paces forward
5. Turn around
6. When the 'ref' yells 'go', run like crazy at the other person
7. Try to knock the ball out of the other persons hands...It's hilarious.
8. Watch the videos you (hopefully) took, or the pictures.
9. Laugh uncontrollably

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